Paul lives in Radford, Virginia, with his wife Charo and their four children: Ian, Evan. He has preached hundreds of sermons and has authored a dozen published works. He also ministered as a missionary in Peru for ten years. Allow God’s rest to renew you, His mercy to move you, and His love to lead you! Bishop and Mrs. Paul is the founder of HeartCry Missionary Society and currently serves as its missions director. In this house, you are seen as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

We are humbled by your continued prayers and support, and honored to serve you with messages of revelation. Baucham 2017 G3 Conference - Reformation 500 (YouTube) Video by Voddie Baucham. As His children, we are promised an abundant life: in our relationships, ministries, missions, and throughout our pilgrimage. In this sermon, Pastor Voddie Baucham talks about Revelation 20:1-3. Our prayer is that your home brightly reflects God’s joy, peace, and goodness. My wife and I speak blessings over your family. G3 has become one of the largest National Reformed Conferences in the world. Thursday, 16 December 2021 11:50 John MacArthur (December-20-2021) 2021 G3 National Conference - Live Stream Subscribe and Get Sermons and Live Streams by John MacArthur DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX Written by John MacArthur John MacArthur After graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary, John came to Grace Community Church in 1969. This was just a small portion of the 6500 strong audience. If you use Instagram, post pics of your Bible reading and include the hashtag G3Bible22 so that we can follow along with your progress and encourage one another. By Elizabeth Prata I just posted a blog about my feelings after coming home from the national G3 Conference held in Atlanta for the last three days. And as He empowers you to persevere through life’s struggles, may you confidently communicate God’s vibrant hope to others - shining His eternal light on the lost. As we all watch the hashtags, we can easily encourage one another throughout the 2022 year.

G3 conference 2021 sermons trial#
It’s our prayer that His Spirit will fully illuminate you on this heaven-bound journey, through every trial and victory. For that reason, our church which is 180 years old and predates the SBC by three years, has determined by a 100 congregational vote led by the elders who voted in a 100 eldership vote to lead the church away from the SBC due to such compromise.

Our vision at The Potter’s House (TPH) is for God to mold you into a purpose-filled vessel, pointing all grace and glory back to Him.